Chicken Quinoa Stoup!


Funny name...unusual combination...intrigued me ...had to try it to find out. On a cold wet day like today, I really needed something comforting to warm me up and what's better than a big bowl of chicken soup.

This interesting recipe has been adapted from the Chicken Quinoa Stoup recipe in Edible Toronto magazine's Winter 2015 issue. I find this magazine very interesting as it publishes inspiring facts about food grown here in Canada, all the challenges faced by the farmers and amazing recipes. I have Indianized the recipe with my pantry staples and still this soup tastes refreshing different from my usual chicken soup. This is a definite keeper.

This recipe has been published with the kind permission of Edible Toronto.


4 whole chicken legs, skin removed and chopped into pieces (always use meat on bones for soups as it adds so much more flavor)
2-3 tbsp. olive oil
2 onions, thinly sliced
1 1/2 tbsp tomato paste/ketchup
2 carrots, peeled and chopped into big chunks
1 red pepper, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, grated
1/2 tsp red chilli pdr
1 tsp turmeric pdr
1/2 tsp ajwain
salt to taste
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
4 cups water
3/4 cup red quinoa, rinsed well and drained


Heat the oil to medium in a large saucepan.
Add the ajwain. Let it sizzle and release aroma.
Stir in the onion, red pepper, garlic and sauté till the onions turn soft.
Add in the turmeric, chili pdr, salt and pepper.
Add the tomato ketchup and cook for two minutes.
Add the chicken pieces and carrots and sauté for 2 mins till the spices coat the chicken nicely.
Stir in the water and quinoa.
Bring to a boil,  and then reduce the heat.
Simmer until the chicken is cooked through and the quinoa has burst open. It takes about 40 to 45 minutes.
Serve in large bowls. You wont need any bread to go with it as quinoa doubles as a protein and carb.



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