Bharleli Vangyi/ Stuffed Eggplants

Eggplants are usually on either side of the love - hate spectrum. One either loves eggplants or hates it altogether. I haven't met many people who sit on the fence. I am one of those who loves eggplants in every way- as a curry, mashed or stuffed. In the recent times I haven't been able to get tasty eggplants in my local market. I had been craving for them for a long time. This weekend dad spotted lovely green round eggplants which weren't the traditional purple one found in India but still looked good enough to try. Mom decided to make my favorite Stuffed Eggplants Goan style. The outcome was lip smacking delicious. I couldn't have enough of them. Ingredients: 7-8 small round eggplants 3-4 cloves 3-4 peppercorn 3 cloves of garlic 1 1/2 medium chopped onion 1/2 tsp turmeric pdr 1 tbsp. Sunday masala (garam masala) 1/2 cup freshly grated coconut 1 large potato cubed Directions: Split each eggplant horizontally and vertically to make 4 slits taking care that...